November 4, 2014

20 Facts About Me

Nominated by @desti_tee to do a #20factsaboutme via Instagram. So here we go..
  1. My Mother to me is the greatest person alive.
  2.  Have a dream for become a writer.
  3. I would like to live in Netherland for at least two years of my life.
  4. My astrological sign is Leo.
  5.  I’m easily distracted by smart people
  6.  An adrenaline junkie. Paragliding, Bungee jumping, rock climbing, they are already on my list.
  7.  I’d rather read a real book than an e-book. Dan Brown, J.K Rowling, and J.R.R Tolkien are my most favorite author.
  8.  Meeting new people is something I always look forward to doing. *Cari Jodoh*
  9.  One day, I will built a house made with stone, glass and wood with small pond on it and green garden surround it.
  10. VW New Beetle and Jeep wrangler are my dream car.
  11.  Barongshai are my childhood nightmare.
  12. I love travelling. If I have to choose between mount and beach. I’ll choose mount with no doubt.
  13.  I can eat a plate full of Rujak everyday.
  14. My taste in music is universal, I love all genres. But Eminem are my favorite musician.
  15. I love Japanese food. And one day, I wish I can eat all japanese cuisine beneath cherry blossom tree in Osaka.
  16. Punya harapan bisa mengadakan akad nikah dengan Adat Jawa lengkap dan resepsi dengan adat Lampung. Kira-kira dapet jodoh orang mana ya?
  17. Masih berkeyakinan bahwa Freemason bukan aliran sesat. Don’t argue with me about this.
  18. I don’t believe in fate or destiny. I believe in conscious choice making and taking responsibility for those choices.
  19. I take The God Father’s Quote seriously: Keep your friends close, But your enemies closer.
  20. Menempuh 3 Propinsi (Jawa Barat-Jakarta-Banten) pulang-pergi setiap hari. Rumah di Bogor, Kantor di BSD-Tangerang, Kampus di Menteng-Jakarta.

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