February 1, 2012

Me, You, and We

Woaaa, it's February already? time running faster than i thought. Oke, welcome to our lovely february then :D

Echem. I wanna tell you about something happened to me in last January. I never tell you about this before, no i mean tell about him. Let's start then...

I knew him in last October. okey i'll make it short. I had crush on him since we first met.

skip skip skip.

We were getting closer in early january by Gtalk. We talked about ideas, theories, music, movie, family, and random stuff. We just can't stop talking. We Gtalk-ed like we never ran out of topics to talk about, occasionally talked on the phone. We laughed together. He listened to my stories whether it was interesting or not.

On January 24th, we talked about our feelings. We love each other in a wrong way (ummm, he is already in relationship). Honestly, I knew about it before, but i pretend like didn't know anything. I just enjoyed "we" time when we shared stories, when we told unfunny jokes and we laughed together. I just can't stop..

Did you know? He read my blog (all my post-from the first post), my tumblr (from the first post), and my twitter (I don't know how far he read, my tweet already over than 20K tweets) he did it without following me anyway. He stalk on me. hahaha

Day by day, he become more sweeter sweeter and sweeter. these all really really bothering me. I felt special in the same time i felt curious. what is the reason he act like this? is he really love me or is he just get bored with his girlfriend then tried to find someone else? I don't know..

I told my self to stop all this. I was tellin my self not expect to much on him, but I couldn't. If he really love me, i want he just love me, no one else. Or, if he just looking for interesting thing then he found on me, please stop it.

He was tell me if he confused of decide between love or faith. in that time, I said let the time will answer it.

But, is he realise if he already betray his faithfulness? he neither decide love by the way. He stay on his broken faith. Then i realise something, he didn't love me that much. Doesn't it funny huh? ---- these all happened on 30th January.

Okay, we only have one week precious moment together. haha not really together, but still, it precious for me. It doesn't matter what all these mean for him.

I'm just curious about something. I'm wondering, is he still read my blog, tumblr, or my twitter? is he still thinking of me by any chance like i do?

Since i told him to stop all this, I can't reach him. It feels like there is something gone. He disappear so sudden.

Let's make it clear. I said "stop all this" doesn't mean "stop to talk to me".

Is this the end of everything? I'll let the time to answer it..

Lesson for you : Don't do it because "you have to do", but because "you want to do" - A very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmast


  1. Wiwi, gue ngerasa ini kejadian berulang yang dulunya terjadi & sekarang terjadi LAGI.
    Your choice was best.

  2. hahaha gw aja lupa sama cerita lo waktu itu ci hehehehe
