January 6, 2012

Work Out

Late last year, my office made a new progam for 2012. In every friday morning all officers have to calisthenics. No, I mean aerobics. The progam started today which is the first friday in 2012. But we haven't hired intructor yet. So, Pak (Mr in Bahasa Indonesia) Mamat, Cad Designer from Engineering division as current intructor.

Its been a long time ago since my last work out. hahaha. Feel nice but hungry after all. #FAIL. I promise to my self next week have to bring extra meal :D

Oh, yea i didn't wear sweatpants but jeans. To be honest i don't have one -___-

*sorry for my broken english btw :p


  1. Ternyata gak ada "dua baris" di antara sederet paragraf -_-

  2. hahahaha ga bisa ciiii. Tangan gw ga kuat ngetiknyaa :p
