Udah lumayan lama juga ya ga nulis blog. Ada yang bilang katanya karena gw ga galau lagi. Hahahaha, you are totally wrong. Justru karena belakangan ini gw tambah galau. Hmmmmm, galau is so last year dude. we should change this word with.... confused.
Nah, jadi, gw sekarang punya pembaca setia gitu deh. Tanpa gw kasih tau ada postingan baru juga dia update. Ahhh akhirnya ada juga yang mantengin blog gw hehehe :p. Trus apa hubungannya? hubungannya adalah, cerita cerita yang terjadi belakangan ini ya tentang dia ituu. "Confused" nya juga tentang dia. (orangnya lagi gtalk gw nih hahaha :p). Gw jadi gatau mau nulis apa deh. Untuk cerita yang lain, belum ada hal menarik aja kemaren-kemaren.
Tapi sekarang gw mau cerita tentang kekonyolan nyokap gw. Hahahaha, semalem gw ketawa sampe terbatuk-batuk.Cerita ini terjadi pas mudik Lebaran kemaren. Gw herannya, kenapa baru tau cerita ini tadi malem. Ternyata karena bis penuh, duduk mencar-mencar, jadi gw ga ada di lokasi kejadian.
===Sebelum cerita, gw mau ngasih tau sedikit kebiasaan keluarga gw. Gw sekeluarga kalo lagi jalan ditempat umum trus ada sesuatu yang aneh atau ngeselin, biasanya kita ngomong pake Bahasa Lampung. Maksutnya biar ga menyinggung si orang yang lagi kita bicarakan itu===
balik lagi ke cerita
Jadi malem itu adek gw ngeliat nyokap duduknya kaya gelisah banget gtu. dan dia nanya :
Feri : "kenapa bu? kok ga bobo?"
Ibu : "Hinji bangone busuk nihan". sambil ngasih kode ke orang disebelahnya --- (ini mulutnya bau banget)
Feri : "Bu, hinji lampung bu. kham dilampung". ---- (bu, ini lampung bu. kita dilampung)
Hahahaha nyokap gw langsung sadar kalo dia keceplosan. Ngomong pake bahasa lampung yang artinya ga enak banget di daerah lampung. Ya yang diomongin kan ngerti artinya. Tapi orangnya ga marah loh, mungkin malu kali ya. tapi dia langsung menjauhkan kepalanya dari nyokap gw gitu. Adek gw dam mbak gw yang ngeliat itu katanya ketawa sampe sakit perut. Antara liat ekspresi nyokap gw yang lucu banget karena abis keceplosan, dan ngeliat orang yang diomongin tadi kaya ga enak banget gtu.
Pasti saat kejadian lucu banget deh. Gw yang diceritain aja ketawa ga berenti-berenti, apalagi yang ngeliat langsung. Tapi liat ekspresi nyokap gw cerita aja udah bikin ngakak sih :s
Kebiasaan nyokap yang sering keceplosan itu memang susah ilang -___-
January 30, 2012
January 19, 2012
Good Lesson from Warren Buffet
Got this amazing advice picture from Bima. Too bad he didn't tell me the source of this picture. Read it carefully. It's a good lesson for me, for you, for us :D
Wish someday i could be someone like him. Rich and low profile. Amiinnnn
Can't read? I can't resize the picture :( |
January 17, 2012
Lunch at D'cost
Minggu lalu mbak puput dan Pak Farid ulang tahun. Dan hari ini mereka traktir kita-kita makan siang di D'cost. Hehehe lumayan makan siang gratis *kedip-kedip*. Kebetulan juga D'cost lagi ada program diskon sesuai umur untuk hari selasa. Jadi kita pake KTP pak mamat yang di tuakan hehehe :p
Perut kenyang, hati senang hahahaha
Mbak puput yang lagi nelp // Pak Farid yang pake kacamata |
Aku terlihat tinggi yaa X)) |
Perut kenyang, hati senang hahahaha
January 13, 2012
Membahagiakan Ibu itu sederhana. Dengan makan masakannya aja. Kaya hal yang baru terjadi berikut ini --->
Ibu : "Bakwan Jagung tuh wi enak"
Gw : *menatap bakwan dengan tidak berminat*
Ibu : *Dengan tatapan galak* "Kenapa? Ga suka??"
Gw : *ngegigit bakwan*
Sebenernya gw ga suka bakwan. Fyi, bakwan dimuka bumi ini yang gw makan ya cuma bakwan buatan Ibu aja. Bukan, bukan karena pemaksaan. Tapi kebanyakan yang dijual-jual itu banyakan tepungnya. Kalo ibu biasanya isinya yang banyak. Nah, bakwan jagung yang di atas bentuknya tebel banget. Makanya gw menatap dengan ga bernapsu sama sekali. Curiga itu tepung yang banyak daripada jagungnya. Dan ternyata.... benar! -____-
Ibu : "Bakwan Jagung tuh wi enak"
Gw : *menatap bakwan dengan tidak berminat*
Ibu : *Dengan tatapan galak* "Kenapa? Ga suka??"
Gw : *ngegigit bakwan*
Sebenernya gw ga suka bakwan. Fyi, bakwan dimuka bumi ini yang gw makan ya cuma bakwan buatan Ibu aja. Bukan, bukan karena pemaksaan. Tapi kebanyakan yang dijual-jual itu banyakan tepungnya. Kalo ibu biasanya isinya yang banyak. Nah, bakwan jagung yang di atas bentuknya tebel banget. Makanya gw menatap dengan ga bernapsu sama sekali. Curiga itu tepung yang banyak daripada jagungnya. Dan ternyata.... benar! -____-
January 12, 2012
Bye Facebook
Jadi sekarang facebook di kantor gw di blokir ga bisa dibuka lagi. Katanya sih ada yang complain. Tapi gatau siapa.Ya gw emang udah ga aktif di facebook lagi sih, buat status ga pernah, accept friend request juga ga pernah.
Lah, trus apa masalahnya???
bye bye game facebook (mafia wars 2, empires & allies), helloo again spider solitaire ✽˘⌣˘✽
Respon: Ternyata setelah post ini facebook bisa dibuka lagi. bahaha
Lah, trus apa masalahnya???
Masalahnya adalah. gw. jadi. ga. bisa. maen. game. di. facebook. lagi!! Щ(ºДºщ)
Ya bukan masalah besar juga, tapi gw sering ga ada kerjaan. Dan game-game di facebook itu penolong gw dari segala ke-BT-an
Tapi, ya sudahlah. Ya kali gw bisa sering-sering nulis dan menghasilkan tulisan bagus. Who knows? hehe
bye bye game facebook (mafia wars 2, empires & allies), helloo again spider solitaire ✽˘⌣˘✽
Respon: Ternyata setelah post ini facebook bisa dibuka lagi. bahaha
January 9, 2012
Geraham Belakang
Jadi gw curiga kalo gigi geraham belakang gw udah mau tumbuh. Rasanya sekarang udah mulai ngilu-ngilu gtu. Kata orang-orang nantinya akan sakit banget pas mulai keluar. Kalo gw raba pake lidah sih baru jendol gtu doang. Aduh, jadi parno. Mungkin ga sih tumbuh tanpa rasa sakit? tiba-tiba ada gtu aja?
Karena gw kepo-an, jadi gw browsing lah tentang fenomena ini. Dan gw dapetin satu blog, yang isinya malah bikin gw tambah parno :''''(
Kalo mau baca blog yang gw maksut, Klik disini.
Semoga gigi geraham gw tumbuh dengan normal-normal aja -____-
Karena gw kepo-an, jadi gw browsing lah tentang fenomena ini. Dan gw dapetin satu blog, yang isinya malah bikin gw tambah parno :''''(
Kalo mau baca blog yang gw maksut, Klik disini.
Semoga gigi geraham gw tumbuh dengan normal-normal aja -____-
January 7, 2012
Foster The People
Have you ever heard about this band before? Yup, Foster the People is an American indie pop Band from Los Angeles, California. They formed in 2009. The group is composed of Mark Foster (vocals, keyboards, piano, synthesizers, guitar, programming, percussion), Cubbie Fink (bass and backing vocals), and Mark Pontius (drums and extra percussion).The group's music, described as melodic dance-infused pop and rock, spans many genres.
After releasing their debut album Torches in May 2011, "Pumped Up Kicks" became a crossover hit on commercial radio in mid-2011, reaching number one on Billboard's Alternative Songs chart, number three on the Rock songs chart, and number three on the Billboard Hot 100, while charting on the Adult Top 40 and Mainstream Top 40 charts.
They are my current favorite band for now. hehehe. And i just knew if they will concert on 11th January at Tennis Indoor Senayan Jakarta promoted by Three Ocean Live. I heard Jakarta is the first city in Asia they picked for heal the concert. Damn!!! too bad i knew it late and the concert is in the weekdays. I can't come to their first concert in Jakarta :''''''((
I love their music, video and their performances. Ahhhhhh wish I can watch their Live!! But i don't have enough money and partner to come huhuhu. The ticket price a bit expensive but I believe it worth to watch. All I can do now is just Listening to their album on repeat :(
I love all their songs. But I favorited "Pumped up Kicks", "Helena Beat" and "Waste". Enjoy their video guys....
Live perfomance for "Pumped Up Kicks"
Official Video from "Helena Beat"
Are you agree with me if they are cool? Let me know :D
January 6, 2012
Work Out
Late last year, my office made a new progam for 2012. In every friday morning all officers have to calisthenics. No, I mean aerobics. The progam started today which is the first friday in 2012. But we haven't hired intructor yet. So, Pak (Mr in Bahasa Indonesia) Mamat, Cad Designer from Engineering division as current intructor.
Its been a long time ago since my last work out. hahaha. Feel nice but hungry after all. #FAIL. I promise to my self next week have to bring extra meal :D
Oh, yea i didn't wear sweatpants but jeans. To be honest i don't have one -___-
*sorry for my broken english btw :p
January 5, 2012
Live your Life
Life is about to receive your goal. To make your dream come true. To caring and to loving. To mark a smile at the faces around you. To trust your believing. To keep the important thing. To think wise. To apologize. To get high education. To earn money for life. and to die.
Just live your life
Just live your life
*Don't give up easily
January 3, 2012
The weather is very good for sleep. Yes, its raining. plus i have nothing to do. Then, I logged on Tumblr and explore poetry. There is so many good poem written by poetic people around the world. and i reblogged some :D
*from thissilentstorm's tumblr
*from vintageanchor's tumblr. And I feel it too.....
*from reversedrainstorm's tumblr. it similar to my poem from my last post. haha
And this is my favorite one !!! by Haruki via moldavia's tumblr
*from thissilentstorm's tumblr
If the sky should turn to water
and the seas should turn to air
I'd swim across the galaxies
I'd breathe the ocean's fare
And if you happen to float by
Riding on a stardust wave
I'd ask for you to stay a while
My drowning soul to save
If the sky should turn to water
and the seas should turn to air
I'd swim across the galaxies
I'd breathe the ocean's fare
And if you happen to float by
Riding on a stardust wave
I'd ask for you to stay a while
My drowning soul to save
*from vintageanchor's tumblr. And I feel it too.....
Love entered in my heart one day
A sad, unwelcome guest.
But when it begged that it might stay
I let it stay and rest
It broke my nights with sorrowing
It filled my heart with fears
And, when my soul was prone to sing,
It filled my eyes with tears.
But... now that it has gone its way,
I miss the dear old pain.
And, sometimes, in the night I pray
That LOve might come again.
-J. California Cooper
A sad, unwelcome guest.
But when it begged that it might stay
I let it stay and rest
It broke my nights with sorrowing
It filled my heart with fears
And, when my soul was prone to sing,
It filled my eyes with tears.
But... now that it has gone its way,
I miss the dear old pain.
And, sometimes, in the night I pray
That LOve might come again.
-J. California Cooper
*from reversedrainstorm's tumblr. it similar to my poem from my last post. haha
Waking up to the sun setting behind the mountains and beneath the stars, dreams are easier to find when you aren't taken by the dark.
And this is my favorite one !!! by Haruki via moldavia's tumblr
Gazing at the rain, I consider what it means to belong, to become part of something. To have someone cry for me.
I just realize if i interested to poetry. Hahahaha
January 2, 2012
Waiting for the Sun
I'll stop now, and turn around
This is not where i belong
I see you as stars
I only can staring at you from the dark side
I even can't feel your shine
I need sunshine
Sunshine can bright me up
Sunshine can warm me up
Sunshine can cheer me up
If only you both can switch
*I spontaneously wrote these silly text. I dont know, i just feel empty for no reason
This is not where i belong
I see you as stars
I only can staring at you from the dark side
I even can't feel your shine
I need sunshine
Sunshine can bright me up
Sunshine can warm me up
Sunshine can cheer me up
If only you both can switch
*I spontaneously wrote these silly text. I dont know, i just feel empty for no reason
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