May 16, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S III

Jadi, Samsung mau launching android baru Galaxy S III, eh udah deng pas tanggal 3 kemaren di London. Nah, di Indonesia tanggal 2 Juni. Dari pertama liat berita tentang spesifikasi S3, gw udah niatin banget mau ngikutin segala kuis yang ada yang hadiahnya Samsung Galaxy S3 ini. Ya siapa tau rejeki gw lagi bagus kan hahahaha #GaModal #PecintaGratisan

Dari awal Samsung ngeluarin android S1,S2, galaxy mini, gw sama sekali ga minat cari tau hehe. Cuma "oh andriod yang terkenal sekarang samsung galaxy ya". Udah gtu doang. Tapi yang S3 ini beneran deh, gw sampe pantengin info-info S3, gw sering baca di sini nih Galaxy S III hehehehe

Ya walaupun gw ga ngerti-ngerti banget bahasa teknologi ya (berat bok). Tapi kalimat "Ice Cream Sandwich" itu terdengar sangat yummy hehehe

Aaaaakkkkk. Semoga ada salah satu kuis yang gw menangin deh sepanjang tahun ini tentang Galaxy. Satuuuu aja. Kalo engga, ya gw terpaksa cari kreditan berbunga rendah deh hahahahaha #JiwaNgutang

Marble White! I wish im able to hold this in my own hand as mine

May 15, 2012

Say it with flowers

Flowers. The most beautiful plants on earth. Everybody loves flowers.
There is a million kind of flowers in the world. But, every single person had their favorite one. Well, i had three kind of the most flowers i love, hehehe...

1. Sunflowers
    The colour is very cheerful. It can boost my mood only by looking at these pictures. Can you imagine if im lost on the field of sunflowers? maybe i will asking God to not tell me the way back. LOL..


2. Tulips (Of course :D)
    As you knew, I have an obsession about Netherland. yeah,  you must have know if tulips are their mother flower. I wish someday i can come to keukenhof (the larges flower garden in Lisse, Netherland). Most of all is tulips of course, with any kind of colour.

3. Calla Lily (White)
    There is any kind colour of Calla lily. But my favorite is the white one. In Taiwan, Calla Lily is a symbol of True Love.

This post doesn't mean i dislike other kind of flowers. I love any kind of flowers. But those three is my favorite. I wish I can decorate my future wedding party with those three flowers. Ameennn! X))

May 11, 2012

The Groom and the Bride

Wahh, its been a while since my last post right?. As we knew, I promised to upload the bride's photo soon. But, i broke my promise hehe. Maybe its a little too late, the euporia about the wedding already sank. But, promise is a promises. Then, here the photos. Enjoy...

Day 1 :
The photo taken before and after "akad nikah"

Day 2 :
Its "Resepsi" time. Look at the crown, its name is Siger in Lampung

Lampung wedding dress is glamorous. Gold everywhere haha